Standardizing Your Fleet

Updated by Kaitlynne Monaghan


Have you or your team ever wondered why some of your Child Check-Mate systems operate in a slightly different way than expected? Maybe some of your vehicles are inherited from another site, maybe your purchasing team used different OEM/suppliers, or maybe you just really like that GPS/dome light functionality and want it fleet wide. This article helps to identify operation differences and determine what features will best optimize your fleet.

What hardware/software is being utilized on my fleet?

ID your hardware

First, check by ensuring you have a genuine Child Check-Mate System by indicating you have THIS deactivation button, located in the rear of the vehicle. Once this has been confirmed, locate the module and indicate which hardware iteration you have.

If it's not our button it's not a genuine Child Check-Mate System.
  • CCM offers 2 standard hardware iterations for aftermarket applications.
  • In addition to the above, CCM also offers hardware specific to OEM factory installs.
  • CCM has some older iterations still being used throughout the globe.
If you have our EP1 or EP2 System you may need to achieve standardization by upgrading your units to our Plus series (EP1plus & EP2plus).
ID your software
  • Click here to determine which software is used throughout your fleet.
ID any existing system peripherals (ex. motion sensor, speaker etc.)
  • Our EP2plus and CM3 hardware configurations can accommodate additional system peripherals such as a motion sensor or external speaker. It's important to note these as the software functionality directly relates to the hardware that you're using.
Need help identifying what system peripherals you have? Click here to see parts images.

What are the hardware/software differences that I prefer?

Search your software ID in the support site
  • Once you'd identified your software ID(s) (ex. EPA, EPK, EPC) search for them in our support site to pull up your specific operation guide for that configuration.
Can't find your operation guide? Let us know! We are constantly adding new articles and it's likely that we just haven't published your guide yet.
Search your schematic in the support site
  • With software ID and operational parameters identified, you should now take a look at the schematic for your system(s).
  • This is important to help determine how your system is connected.
Some standardization can be achieved with a simple installation change.

For example:

Scenario - "I want my system to activate using the brakes".
Solution - Rewire the Brown Wire (#5) of the 6-pin wire harness to the hot side of the brake.
Can't find your schematic? Let us know! We are constantly adding new articles and it's likely that we just haven't published your guide yet.
Choose the software/hardware configuration that best meets your operational requirements
  • You've identified the differences between your software(s) and hardware(s), now it's time to choose which features best meet your routine.
  • Make a list of features or softwares that you like so you can communicate these to CCM.

Example: I like ID: EPK and it is connected to my door, but on my other bus I have ID: EPA and it doesn't connect to my door.

  • CCM has 60 different softwares to choose from, so it's likely we already have something to satisfy your requirements. If we don't, don't fret! We can develop a custom solution exclusive to you.

I've identified what best suits my operation, now what do I do?

Give us a call! You may need a software update or you may just need an additional harness to achieve standardization throughout your fleet. Leave it to us, we will take care of the details and set you up with what you need to be successful.

Feeling bold and want to know more before we can talk? Check out this article that describes how we can update your existing systems.

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