How to Identify the Software ID of your System


Child Check-Mate has about 60 different software iterations to choose from. It is very likely that your fleet operates differently than your neighbors and it is even possible to have different system functionality throughout your own fleet. This article describes how to identify which software iteration you have so you can standardize your fleet, order more parts and find system specific information.

Identify the Program ID

The operational parameters of our EP1plus and EP2plus can be identified by a 3 letter label on the side of the module.


Why does my fleet operate slightly different from bus to bus?

  • Maybe some of your vehicles are inherited from another site
  • Maybe your purchasing team used different OEM/suppliers
  • Maybe you just really like that GPS/dome light functionality and want it fleet wide

Regardless of why, we can easily take care of helping you standardize your fleet by using a simple device and 30 seconds of your time.

Additional Support Information

EP1plus Operation Guides

EP2plus Operation Guides

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